Sunday, February 16, 2020
Technological advancement or invention from 1815 to present Essay
Technological advancement or invention from 1815 to present - Essay Example Discussion Air conditioning was first conceptualized in the tradition of refrigeration. Refrigeration came about due to the need to preserve foods (Air Conditioning Systems). It was discovered that by keeping the temperature around food at below 4 degrees Celsius, it was possible to reduce the growth of bacteria and to prevent food spoilage. From the development of refrigeration, air conditioning came about. The basic foundations of refrigeration seen in 1824 indicated that liquefied ammonia could cool the air when it is evaporated (Air Conditioning Systems). These foundations laid the groundwork for the invention of the commercially available air conditioning units. The need for air conditioning was seen because industrialists saw the need to reduce air temperature in their industries. In 1902, Willis Haviland Carrier invented the first electrical air conditioning unit (Air Conditioning Systems). At that time, his invention was very much relevant in the manufacturing process of a pr inting plant where controlled temperature and humidity assisted in making the printing process more efficient because it maintained consistency in the paper size and ink alignment (Air Conditioning Systems). ... Carrier’s legacy was soon improved and conceptualized for its human suitability. However, not until 1928, with the discovery of Freon by Thomas Midgley, Jr. was the home use of air conditioning considered (Air Conditioning Systems). Freon was considered a safer and less toxic refrigerant. The invention of the Freon followed the more widespread of the air conditioner as its use was then seen in The White House in the 1930s; and in the 1940s and 1950s, its demand would continue to increase for many homes (Air Conditioning Systems). With these demands, the air conditioner also took on various physical changes, with its build being made smaller. Moreover, improvements to the technology integrated changes which included its applicability as a heating mechanism during winter months. Carrier patented his ‘apparatus for treating air’ in 1906. The term air conditioning was actually not Carrier’s term. It was coined and introduced by Stuart Cramer in a patent he file d in 1906 for a device he invented which incorporated water vapor to the air in textile plants (Bellis). Willis Haviland Carrier shared his Rational Psychometric Formula with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 1911 and this formula is still being used in the air conditioning industry today (Bellis). Due to Carrier’s invention, industries were able to operate well because they now had the ability to control temperature and humidity levels while operating their machineries and carrying out their work processes. Different industries like film, tobacco, processed meats, medical capsules, textiles, and other products were able to carry out their processes well without fear of straining their machineries and other equipment (Bellis). In 1921, Carrier patented the centrifugal
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Great Wilderness Debate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Great Wilderness Debate - Essay Example Others take it as a cultural believe that a wilderness is an area that has been threatened by growth and development and regardless of what can be done the land cannot show any positive growth (Callicott and Nelson 6). The existing biodiversity set aside an alternative to preserve the land from extinction and the separation of people from nature indirectly suggest the creation that serves as an example of wilderness idea. This topic of wilderness has attracted most of the environmental philosophers and the community at large that innocently believed that the wilderness is a natural holy quiet place. To distinguish between wildness and wilderness, we can create a picture of something that may occur or can be possible in the future by inhabiting nature symbolically. Cronon tries to give and differentiate wilderness from wildness by defining it as the only preservation in the world (Cronon 7). His idea requires a thoughtful study since it is more concern with the creation of human cultu res and civilization in the world we are living in. Civilization on the other hand can be done in a manner that will prevent contamination of the beautiful environment rather than basing the idea to cultures and historical assumptions. We can learn to appreciate and preserve the small and unconventional pieces of land that surround us and be able to conserve and maintain the beauty of the wildness (Callicott and Nelson 541). Taking an example of a tree in a garden and the other one in an ancient place, we clearly see the importance of valuing both trees because by doing so we not only value them but even honor the importance of conserving our environment. It is good to honor any wild regardless of its physical position because a tree is not less wild when it is in the garden than it is in the ancient place. We should take into consideration the fact that the tree in the wilderness and that in the garden require the same factors for them to grow and reproduce and also respect the nat ure. We are to classify an organism as wild or tame according to its context and not by its constitution or position so as to mention the distinction between natural and artificial occurrences (Aitken 5). The belief that wilderness is a virgin pure inhabited land has to be set aside and reclamation of the lands be done in the right manner of conserving the entire land not necessarily the wilderness. Wilderness existed before human refinement expanded and will continue to exist long after the cultures have ceased to exist and the community should adopt and accept to live with these changes. The human-environment interaction has tamed the land in a contrary manner that has influenced and changed the existence of the wilderness by people trying to protect their needs without giving up custody of the land that could be damaged by nature. The mere presence of things done by people does not deprive the official state of wilderness since a wilderness exists in environments that naturally o perate with very minimal human interference. We should provide a safe and caring environment for the benefits of all biological systems and the universe as a whole so as to create a progressive and helpful human-wild interaction. Conservation tips
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