Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Mahatma Gandhi, Athenian Essay - 781 Words
In this world, there are two kinds of persons and every person in the world either has a good side or an evil side. In â€Å"My Graduation Speech†by Neil postman, Mahatma Gandhi shows some characteristics of an Athenian. Athenians took interest in public affairs and the improvement of public behaviour and so did Gandhi. He also inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. Mahatma Gandhi believed that the wrong acts done by people are acts of violence against the social order and Athenians believed in that also. Mahatma Gandhi was a good public figure, placed a great value on tradition and culture and was a non-violent person. Mahatma Gandhi was a good public figure. People used to respect him and used to appreciate his†¦show more content†¦This proves that Mahatma Gandhi was a good public figure who used to take part in the improvement of public matters. Mahatma Gandhi respected every religion and culture. He was not ethnocentric, who used to hate the culture of others. Rather he used to believe in one’s own self strength and with this aim in mind, he started with â€Å"swadeshi movement†. He believed in equal respect for all religions and he did not used to say anything insulting to anyone who was from a lower caste from him. He used to treat everyone equally. He believed that everyone has the right to live on this earth and that is why god made us all brothers and sisters so that we will be there for each other’s protection every time. Athenians cherished and lived happily with whatever they had because they believed it’s the most precious gift of human nature. They never rejected anything and got whatever was being given to them in a very happy and appreciating way. Same was with Mahatma Gandhi who never rejected anything and took everything happily. He even sacrificed for his country happily. From the points written above proves that Mahatma Gandhi was an Athenian by respecting and obeying every religion, culture and the traditions. Athenians were the first group of people who lived about 2,500 years ago in a place called Greece. They were the first people to develop a complete alphabet and invented the idea of political democracy. They also invented philosophy, science and Olympics.Show MoreRelatedViolent Protest In 1848 : Civil Disobedience896 Words  | 4 Pagesweeks, acts of civil disobedience have been publicly convened in demonstrations as part of a non-violent protest. In the last century, non-violent protests usually are tightly linked to two great figures of universal history. 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